Saturday, February 7, 2009


The one below is mine, and the smaller one on the right is the original.

This Picture took me a while. I used the Color Picking Tool a lot to get the right color from the original picture. I also used many different layers to create the background, foreground, and bottom. I mostly drew this zoomed in, so that I could pay attention to detail. I copied and pasted some things as well to speed up the process, I used this for the green hills, the question mark blocks, the bushes, the stage area, the zeros, the arrows, and the three blue blocks. I also used the bucket tool to fill in the big areas. I kept the original close by and copied it almost pixel by pixel. I think the only part I'm not real happy with is the clouds. I would also like to mention I did everything by hand, nothing was traced, and I only used the original for the color.


  1. Kyle-
    Wow! You found your calling! This has come a long way since Friday. It is really creative and a cool departure from what most of the class has done.

    The detail, and attention to the relative placement of objects on the screen is fantastic. This looks like a screen capture. Good use of the color picking tool, and layers and it's great to see that you are figuring out how to be more efficient by copying different components.

    It's also great that you showed the original screen capture that you used as your model. I would really like to see others try to do the same kind of thing. It's a good way to show the process.

  2. This is one of my favorite ones. it's almost exactly perfect. nice work.

  3. Thats so realistic! it looks pretty much exactly the same as the real thing. this must of taken you forever, nice job!

  4. i don't see anything different at all. it looks awesome. good work!
