The process for creating animated gifs in Gimp is fairly straight forward. Basically you can animate any multi layered project. In this case I simply created 10 layers/copies of the Homer image and changed the color of each slightly. Once that was done I selected filter>animation>optimize for gif. When you save the file you need to make sure to save it as a .gif. When the file is exporting you need to make sure to save it as an animation and that it animates as one frame per layer.
The trickier part was figuring out how to get the animated gif to show up on Blogger. It was pretty straight forward once I figured it out:
1. Upload to
2. Click on "Share on MySpace"
3. use the blog forum procedure and copy the thumbnail direct link.
4. In blogger use the add image procedure, but rather than uploading an image copy the tinyurl
Pretty easy, just takes a few steps. I'll show everyone how to do this tomorrow and maybe we'll play with some simple flipbook-stop action type animation.
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