Friday, January 30, 2009

The Earth

For this I used the airbrush tool to draw what I wanted and then smudged it to get the earth look and the death star look. I used the fuzzy circle tool to shade around the earth and the death star. for the laser beam I drew a line with the paintbrush and then made it fuzzy with the blur tool. I added stars with the paintbrush and used the blur tool to blur them again.


  1. wow this is a lot like what i was doing i like it looks very good i like the death star the best

  2. Very impressive, may the force be with your future GIMP endeavors...!

  3. I really like how the earth looks, very realistic. The clouds are a nice touch

  4. The earth looks very realistic. I love what you did with the clouds. The Death star has great detail as well. The force is strong with this one.
