Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So I am trying to create Bapst and I figured out how to make pillars. I started from the side of the building with the arc tool since it is hard to look at it straight on and make sure that the arc is facing out. Then I used the pencil tool to connect the arc to form a half cirlce. With the push/pull tool I brought the half circle down to create a pillar. Then to size it like how I wanted I just used the move and copy tool to adjust the size


  1. This is looking really good. I hope you can get the cylinder and the windows to work out because I know you are having troubles with them now. Good luck!

  2. this looks exactly like Bapst! This has a lot of detail and must take forever but it looks really great so far!

  3. You're doing a really good job depicting John Bapst! It's a big building with lots of architectural details, so it would be a tough one to replicate. But, you've got a really good start with this.
