Monday, March 23, 2009

This is a house a simple house that I got inspiration from a picture online. The house ended up looking nothing like the one I started with though. I made the arched deck over the garage by pulling the rectangles out and then making the posts the same way and adding the arch with the arch tool. I added the pool in the back yard by making a square and pushing the middle in. I created the different layers of the pool by sectioning off parts with just a pencil line, and moving the height, this created the look of a shallow and deep end. I added the diving board to the pool but making a square and then pulling the diving board section out and then I gave the base a slight curve down. I made the deck with a rectangle on the side of the house and pulling it out then I used the fence paint for the bottom of the deck. I made the railing by pulling up sections then connecting them by making more squares on the side of the posts and pulling them out. I made the stairs by creating the lines of the stairs on the wall of the house and then pulling them outwards.


  1. this is a pretty awesome house! i just have one question.. why is there no water in the pool?

  2. the pool looks pretty cool

  3. I really like how you put a diving board in the pool, that is a really great idea! I also like the yellow tinted windows for the light effect.

  4. haha I don't know why there is no water! It's closed for the season, maybe i'll fill it up soon haha
