Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pacman needs a diet

I started off on the picture with a back drop of pacman. I took a pictuer of a cheeseburger and put them in for all the plelets that pacman eats. I then replaced the big pelets that pacman eats with an ice cream cone. I then erased the blue lines around pacman and mad pacman fat. I then made the lines go around him as if her were bending them around his body.


  1. DUDE, this is AWESOME. Pac-Man is probably my favourite arcade game. So ja, awesome.

  2. Hahahahahaha! Great work man. I can't say I envy how many times you must have dragged hamburgers across the screen...that alone is a daunting task. Pac-man sure does look quite obese--those extra rolls sure did the trick :P.

    Pac-man's new beefy physique seems far more suited to resist ghost attacks than his weak previous form.

    Nice job!
