Thursday, February 26, 2009

Woman with freckles

The image on the right is the original photo and the one on the left is the one I modified. For this women I first used the healing tool to remove her freckles. I next whitened her teeth by using the paint brush and lowered the opacity. The thing I had trouble with was coloring her hair. The trouble I had was actually selecting her hair, I finally figured out that in order to do this you must go select menu and click from path to select it. After I got this accomplished I use the hue-saturation under the colors menu and changed the color to a chocolate brown.


  1. This looks really good ky! She looks better with darker hair and no freckles!! you worked really hard on this but it was worth it!

  2. Good job Ky! I saw you working on this for a lot of days but you did a really good job! She looks so beautiful.

  3. This looks really good Kylie. I know you struggled a bit with selecting the hair, your effort paid off nicely. Great description of your process too.
